Elite Myotherapy supports and acknowledges Exercise Right Week being held this week from 20th – 25th May.
Exercise Right Week is an initiative of Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA) which promotes the importance of undertaking the ‘right’ exercise for the postural and biomechanical needs of your body.
Our Myotherapy team at Elite Myotherapy are passionate about overcoming injury and pain, and ensuring you live and exercise pain free. We recognise clinically that people often undertake exercise programs that are not suitable for their body – which increases their risk of pain and injury.
Building a foundation of strength and stability in your body through exercise is vital to ensure you remain injury free. Exercises to build strength and stability should be individually focused and designed for the unique needs of each client.
Part of our Myotherapy treatment plan with our clients is to prescribe rehabilitation or corrective exercises to improve strength and movement quality. As such, exercise has an important role to play in the rehabilitation and ongoing management of our Myotherapy clients.
Where appropriate we might refer a client onto an Exercise Physiologist or movement specialist to ensure our clients exercise right for the ongoing health and fitness needs of their body.