Hip and Groin Pain

Groin pain is a common among individuals who partake in activities such as high speed running, kicking, change of direction or jumping and landing sports. The musculature is complicated with highly stressed anchor points and the involvement of pelvis joints plus your lumbosacral spine.

Causes of Hip and Groin Pain

Mainly activities involving:

  • Running
  • Jumping
  • Change in directions
  • Kicking

Groin pain can also be associated with various hip conditions which can lead to serious pathologies such as:

  • Adductor Tendinopathy
  • Osteitis pubis
  • Groin Muscle Strains

Groin Pain Treatments

Groin pain can be debilitating, preventing you from participating in your daily activities and impacting your quality of life. If you’re experiencing groin pain, our team of Myotherapists can help you find relief.

Our Myotherapists are specially trained to assess and treat groin pain. They will conduct a thorough evaluation to determine the underlying cause of your pain and develop an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan may include a combination of techniques such as soft and deep tissue massage, myofascial cupping, myofascial dry needling, stretching, TENS, hot and cold therapies, and postural and corrective exercises.

The goal of treatment is to relieve pain, restore normal function to the lower body, and improve overall mobility. Our Myotherapists will work closely with you to address any areas that may have become overworked or weakened due to the groin pathology. They will also provide you with education and guidance on how to manage your condition and prevent it from recurring in the future.

It is important to note that the treatment for groin pain may vary depending on the presentation of the patient. Our Myotherapists use a holistic approach to care, taking into account the patient’s physical, emotional and psychological well-being. With the right treatment, you can regain your ability to move freely and enjoy your daily activities.