Physiotools is the electronic exercise prescription program that Elite Myotherapy uses to create the home exercise programs for our clients. After your Myotherapy treatment it is likely you may be sent home with advice or a group of exercises on how to manage your pain. These can vary from daily, weekly, even hourly exercises and stretches which complement the Myotherapy treatment. This helps to rehabilitate, strengthen and correct postures and habits which may be contributing to a person’s presentation or pain. Exercises and stretches allow a greater opportunity for the body to readjust and adapt to the changes made inside the treatment room when you are outside the treatment room. This allows a speedy recovery, reduction in pain and greater results, ultimately leading to the education and empowerment of our clients over their health.
It’s a common that we hear from our clients that they forgot the exercises and stretches, or couldn’t quite get that exercise right. We understand that there is so much going on in the treatment room with the focus on reducing the pain it’s not a surprise that it’s lost from most people’s memory the minute they get to the car.
Here is the solution.
When you come to Elite you will often be given an email or a piece of paper with instructions and pictures, we have taken it one step further now with the PHYSIOTOOLS MOMENTUM APP!
Your Myotherapist can send, update and progression of all of your home exercise care plans and exercise rehabilitation programs and it will be directly updated on your phone. You can set reminders for when or how many times you need to do the exercises, or look at videos and photos for guidance. All your instructions are right there in the palm of your hand.
All you need to do is;
Download the App in the APP store searching for momentum PT in health and fitness
Create a log in account- this will be linked to your email address and your exercises will be on the way.
If you need any assistance with using or accessing the app please ask one of our wonderful Myotherapist in your next appointment.
Remember, your health is in your hands
Move Well. Love Life