We recently had a client come into the Toorak clinic suffering from a quadriceps injury (thigh strain) that they received whilst kicking a ball playing soccer. They came into the clinic three days after suffering the strain.
They stopped playing, iced and rested the leg for the next week, but still experienced some swelling and discomfort in the quadriceps. As part of my client’s recovery he started doing some static stretches for his gluteals (bottom muscles) and his front hip muscles. Unfortunately he started experiencing some discomfort in the quadriceps while doing them.
Because of the acute nature of the right quadriceps strain, his initial Myotherapy treatment was light massage on the affected area and some gentle stretching. Then the main focus then was directed at the outside hip musculature, especially the tensore fascia lata and illio tibial band (side leg muscles), which are very hypertonic (very tight) which was caused from limping for the past few days.
To address the muscle imbalances the goal was to work on the front hip muscles bilaterally, as well as treat the clients calves (especially the right calf which had suffered Achilles tendinitis the season prior) and feet, which are very rigid and immobile.
Both my client and I agreed that as part of his Myotherapy treatment plan, we needed to focus on these muscle imbalances. We also addressed his warm up and cool down protocols. After these four treatments, my client reported being back to playing and practicing normally. He is happy to report that he’s back to taking normal kicks with the right leg at full speed and intensity.
Andre Andrade – Elite Myotherapist