What Is Prehabilitation?
Prehabilitation is a form of muscular management and injury prevention undertaken to prevent injury from occurring to ensure that we continue doing the sports and activities we love and to prevent the need for a rehab program.
In our clinics many injuries that we see in the clinic would of being preventable with a proper prehabilitation and management program in place. These injuries may have been preventable if they had undertaken a check-up at their Myotherapist first.
As a full time Myotherapist I have experienced first hand injuries in my earlier years that I could of being prevented if I had a proper prehabilitation & management program catered to my needs. Since I started seeing a Myotherapist myself I have been able to address workplace stresses and also take my running to a new level injury-free.
Who can benefit from a prehabilitation/ management program?
Prehab is not something that is isolated to just athletes or highly active people; it is also very beneficial for people who have workplace stresses to prevent them from getting workplace overuse injuries.
Usain Bolt- World Record holder in the 100m and 200m has scoliosis in his spine. With the correct prehab program he stays injury-free.
How can we help?
When we assess you in the clinic we will address any musculoskeletal unallignment which is present, we will also address any specific areas which are prone too injury in your workplace and also your sport/activity.
Once we have pinpointed these key areas we will design a personalized prehab/management plan too prevent you from becoming injured, which may include- Corrective exercises, Self treatment toolkit and postural advice and adjustment specific too your work or sport.
Who else can help?
At Elite Myotherapy we work closely with a select range of highly regarded allied health professionals in the industry. In order to get your physical condition to a higher level we may work closely with these practitioners who will provide an extra set of eyes. These may include:
– Highly regarded clinical pilates instructors such as- Balance and Control Pilates
– Highly qualified and experienced exercise physiologists and personal trainers such as the team at Inspire Fitness.
We hope to see you in our clinic where we can help improve your quality of life.
Seamus Hayes – Elite Myotherapist